... so this girl in little leather thong and bondage bra comes running after me, "I must have that bag. My name is Dee ... " . The Sweet D bag definately rocks.
A healthy, hairy hunk indroduces me to his husband, an "hairless Armenian", as he calls him. He loves my metal cuff.
Getting our Blue Bottle coffee a less hunky, but no less healthy looking guy in adorable bandana briefs admires the bag. It would be such a cute compliment to his outfit.
Now why didn't I get some pics ...
back to bag cutting ...
... so this girl in little leather thong and bondage bra comes running after me, "I must have that bag. My name is Dee ... " . The Sweet D bag definately rocks.
A healthy, hairy hunk indroduces me to his husband, an "hairless Armenian", as he calls him. He loves my metal cuff.
Getting our Blue Bottle coffee a less hunky, but no less healthy looking guy in adorable bandana briefs admires the bag. It would be such a cute compliment to his outfit.
Now why didn't I get some pics ...
back to bag cutting ...