Sunday, September 27, 2009

scheduling green

so I'm watching Flight of the Conchords the other night; if you haven't checked these dudes out, do. Thier hip-hop and rock parodies are hysterical. Anyway they have this one, a sexy soul song called "Business Time". All about scheduling "luv makin'", on a wed. night after brushing teeth and putting out the recycling. So this gets me thinking about scheduling EVERYTHING. I mean I guess to a degree if ya' don't ya' just won't.
Now I tend to be a very, what I would call spontaneous person, another might call scatered. Consequently I'm sometimes in a panic trying to get things done. But I'll also leap off the bus to rescue those red plastic discs someone threw in the gutter; and they did make awesome earrings. Of course then I have to take off my shoes so I can make a mad dash for the bus connection I needed.
So although without tuesday night scheduling for recycling pickup it just wouldn't get done; my silliness of at times skipping through life has me picking up the discarded for a new life.
Both work, just find what suits you, 'cause if it doesn't ya' just won't do it.

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